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When thinking of the upcoming holiday season and the countdown to the New Year, there are many images that come to mind. Cheering at midnight, making a resolution to keep, and celebrating with loved ones are a few of the many joyful parts of the season. Whether you’ll be celebrating these moments at home in your apartment, or traveling to visit a family or friend, we want to provide you with some ideas to freshen up your apartment at Stone Ridge Residences.

Enhancing Your Space at Stone Ridge Residences

The idea of redecorating your home might feel intimidating during this hectic holiday season. However, big changes can come from something small. Quickly modify and revamp something old, like a bureau or shelf, or add in something new, like a rug or a lamp, to make your apartment feel new! Whether you choose a few quick and easy swaps or plan a do-it-yourself project for a snowy winter day, here are a few of our best tips for enhancing your space at Stone Ridge Residences:

  • Declutter Your Space: You may think you need to hit the stores and buy new items to make a space better, brighter, and “brand-new,” but getting rid of unwanted items can make a big impact. Clear out the items you don’t use and only keep the ones you love to give your space that fresh and open appearance. After all, you might need to make room for the new items you’ll be gifted, or gift yourself, this holiday season. To keep this simple, work in one room at a time so you don’t feel overwhelmed. 
  • Rearrange Your Furniture: The same lesson of “less is more” works for this tip too! Maybe you don’t need to add anything new to your apartment to make it feel and look like a new space, but instead, just need to switch things around. Think about how you spend your day, and the activities you love, then move your furniture around with these ideas in mind. If you enjoy reading, create a reading nook with your furniture. If you plan to host, make a room more open by moving a couch. You can make your apartment feel more open, more intimate, or more functional by swapping the positions of the furniture you already own.
  • Refresh Your Linens: If you’ve been in the same apartment for a while, the New Year may be the time to start fresh with new bedding, and new towels too. When it comes to crawling into bed or wrapping in a towel after a shower, these are the simple tasks that deserve to be treated as a luxury. Swap out your worn-in towels and sheets to start the new year in the way you deserve.
  • Pleasing Your Senses: Comfort in your home isn’t all about the visual appearance. Add in a new favorite scent with a diffuser, room/linen spray, or candles to create a welcoming aroma in your living space. Pick something seasonal to match the holidays, or go with a standard scent for every day. 
  • Adding in Style with Rugs, Throw Pillows, or Greenery: Adding in style can be quick and easy with these additions. Pick a favorite plant–there are many more than only the standard cacti that thrive indoors–or stay on the safe side with an artificial plant to add some greenery to your space. In these winter months, these plants can give your apartment a sense of life and growth to boost the mood indoors. Or, add in some color and patterns into your space with throw pillows or area rugs. These items can show your personality and give a room you’ve grown used to a makeover for the year to come.
  • DIY Project: If you’re looking for more than just something new to add in, you may be able to take an item you own and make it look brand new. Maybe you’ve grown tired of a piece of furniture, but it’s still in good condition and not yet ready to be replaced, so instead you can make it look like you’ve traded it in. Use wallpaper, contact paper, or a can of paint to turn something old into something new. You can do anything from adding patterns to shelves, or painting a table the perfect shade, to show your creativity in your home. 

Here’s a look at how to line your shelves with wallpaper in the color and pattern you choose.

Love the Place You Call Home at Stone Ridge Residences

Stone Ridge Residences wants your living space here to be a safe, comfortable, and affordable place to call home. We hope that with these tips, you’ll start the New Year in a place that feels styled and customized – exactly to your liking. Whether you’re a long-term resident in need of a change in your home, or new to the Stone Ridge Residence community hoping to add in a furnishing or re-do an item this year – we hope you start the New Year in a space you’re proud to call home. If you have any questions about what you can and cannot add to your living space, or any further questions on the regulations and policies of Stone Ridge Residences, please don’t hesitate to contact us, or call us at (315) 866.2242. We hope you all have a happy holiday season and a wonderful New Year!