Important Notice: Our Section 8 and Affordable Housing Waitlists are now officially closed.


The Section 8 Tenant Based Assistance (also known as the Housing Choice Voucher Program) is tied to families, so that eligible families are guaranteed federal assistance for any affordable housing unit that meets the general program requirements.  Stone Ridge Residences administers 52 Housing choice vouchers throughout the Village of Herkimer.  An application may be obtained by clicking "Apply" or "Apply Today," calling the office at (315) 866-2252, or by visiting our office between 8am-noon and 1-4pm.

How does the Section 8 Program work?

  • The Section 8 program has limited funds available in order to issue a voucher to applicants.
  • Applicants who receive a voucher will have 60 days to find a qualifying Section 8 apartment, which the owner must be willing to rent under the Section 8 program.
  • Extensions in voucher term may be granted, but the voucher term will not exceed a total of 120 days.
  • Stone Ridge Residences inspects and approves the affordable housing unit if it meets program requirements.
  • Stone Ridge Residences signs a contract with the landlord to pay a set portion of the rent.
  • The voucher holder signs a lease with the landlord and pays the balance of the rent.
  • Once participating in the Section 8 Program, a family remains income eligible as long as the family’s share of the rent does not exceed the Payment Standard used to calculate the maximum housing assistance payment.


Are you interested in learning more about Section 8?