Section 8
Section 8 is subsidized by the federal government under a program authorized in Section 8 (o) of the U.S. Housing Act of 1937, as amended.
The Section 8 Tenant Based Assistance (also known as the Housing Choice Voucher Program) is tied to families, so that eligible families are guaranteed federal assistance for any affordable housing unit that meets the general program requirements. Stone Ridge Residences administers 52 Housing choice vouchers throughout the Village of Herkimer. An application may be obtained by clicking "Apply" or "Apply Today," calling the office at (315) 866-2252, or by visiting our office between 8am-noon and 1-4pm.
How does the Section 8 Program work?
- The Section 8 program has limited funds available in order to issue a voucher to applicants.
- Applicants who receive a voucher will have 60 days to find a qualifying Section 8 apartment, which the owner must be willing to rent under the Section 8 program.
- Extensions in voucher term may be granted, but the voucher term will not exceed a total of 120 days.
- Stone Ridge Residences inspects and approves the affordable housing unit if it meets program requirements.
- Stone Ridge Residences signs a contract with the landlord to pay a set portion of the rent.
- The voucher holder signs a lease with the landlord and pays the balance of the rent.
- Once participating in the Section 8 Program, a family remains income eligible as long as the family’s share of the rent does not exceed the Payment Standard used to calculate the maximum housing assistance payment.
Stone Ridge Residences’ jurisdiction is the Village of Herkimer only. Portability allows a voucher-holder to secure an approvable affordable housing unit in any Stone Ridge Residences' jurisdiction if that Housing Authority operates a Section 8 Program. If a family does not live in Stone Ridge Residences’ jurisdiction when the voucher is issued, they will be required to live in the Village of Herkimer for at least one year before moving to another jurisdiction. Stone Ridge Residences must not approve a unit if the owner is the parent, child, grandparent, sister or brother of any family member, unless the unit provides a reasonable accommodation for a family member who is a person with a disability.
At the time the family signs the lease for initial occupancy in the unit, the family must pay less than 40% of its adjusted monthly income for its rent share. The owner may seek an increase after the initial lease term which may result in the family paying in excess of 40% of income for its rent share. The rent for the low income housing unit must be reasonable, which generally means a rent to owner that is not more than rent charged for comparable units in the private unassisted market, including rents charged by the owner for a comparable unassisted unit in the building or on the premises.
The size unit for which a family qualifies will be set by Stone Ridge Residences on the basis of the family’s size and composition.
If a family can rent a larger affordable housing unit and pay less than 40% of its adjusted monthly income at lease-up, and the unit meets all Section 8 Program requirements, the unit will be accepted to the program.
A smaller unit than the size set by Stone Ridge Residences may be rented, provided there is at least one living/sleeping room for every two persons in the family.
Yes, if the landlord is willing, if the unit meets program requirements and if the rent is reasonable.
If the gross rent for the unit is below the payment standard, your share of the rent will be the higher of: 30% of your monthly adjusted income or 10% of your monthly gross income. However, the first time you sign the lease for the unit, you must pay less than 40% of your monthly adjusted income for your rent share.
After the initial lease term, if the owner increases the rent, it is possible the family could then pay more than 30% or 40% of its income for rent cost.
Anyone may apply for rental assistance with Stone Ridge Residences' Section 8 Program. Selection will be determined by date and time received subject to the preferences outlined in our Agency Plan. You must keep your Section 8 application form updated regarding income, family composition and address. Such changes must be made in writing and include your Social Security Number.
You can call our office at (315) 866-2252, or print the application from our website’s application page or visit our office to request a Section 8 application form.
You must complete and return a Section 8 application to Stone Ridge Residences and must keep the Section 8 application current by informing the office with any changes concerning name, address, phone number, family composition, income and preferences.
In an effort to increase the efficiency of our application process, a Preliminary Application may be printed and filled out at this time. Please return the form to our office at:
Stone Ridge Residences
315 North Prospect Street
Herkimer, NY 13350
The Section 8 application form must be filled out completely. If claiming the living or working in the Village of Herkimer preference, you must submit documentation to support your preference.